Recognizing the moral deprivation that persists in communities that have economic or other setbacks, Kidz Klubz works to instil good values and habits in children, between the formative ages of 4 and 14 years.
Kidz Klubz operates through a committed network of volunteers, who teach an interactive curriculum that is developed in-house to meet the specific needs of the communities it serves. The Kidz Klubz curriculum includes a multimedia segment, discussions, games, handwork and activity books.
Kidz Klubz operate in close to 250 locations in Sri Lanka.
Centers cater to the children who are economically challenged, and/or come from communities that were resettled after the tsunami or the war.
The focus of Centers is to supplement the holistic development of such children between the ages of 3 and 16 years, and to help them finish their schooling career, so that they may, in turn, make a valuable contribution to their communities.
Centers have been set up in Mattakkuliya, Kaiveli and Thirukkovil, to run pre-schools (called ‘Singithi Nivisa’) daily feeding programs, recreational activities, afterschool classes, library facilities, IT labs, and talent and skill development programs, among others.
Rays of Hope addresses the painful consequences of child sexual abuse, and works to create awareness on the issues surrounding it.
Rays of Hope operates through drama and interactive presentations, speaking directly to children, in their own environments, on what they can do to safeguard themselves, and where they can go for help.
Rays of Hope conducts its education and awareness programs at schools and at our Centers of Hope.
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